About Us

…fostering joy, fulfillment, and dignity in seniors’ later years while empowering them to live with independence and purpose.

Horizon Foundation: Restoring Dignity and Hope for Vulnerable Seniors

Horizon Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of elderly individuals who face life-limiting conditions, limited resources, or vulnerabilities stemming from poverty, hunger, neglect or social isolation. Its mission is to foster joy, fulfillment, and dignity in seniors’ later years while empowering them to live with independence and purpose.


Addressing the Needs of Forgotten Seniors

Aging is a natural part of life, but for many elderly individuals, it brings significant challenges. Limited resources, deteriorating health, and social isolation often compound to create an overwhelming burden. In Africa, where socioeconomic disparities leave many without access to basic services, these challenges can be life-threatening. The Horizon Foundation was established to bridge this gap, providing comprehensive support to elderly individuals who struggle to meet their daily needs.

Advocating for Change

Beyond direct services, the Horizon Foundation advocates for policy reforms that prioritize elderly care. By collaborating with government agencies and other nonprofits, the organization is pushing for systemic changes that address the root causes of elderly poverty and neglect.

A Mission Rooted in Compassion

The mission of the Horizon Foundation is to bring joy, fulfillment, dignity, and purpose to seniors’ lives. By focusing on the unique needs of this underserved demographic, the foundation seeks to empower elderly individuals to age gracefully and with a renewed sense of purpose.

Looking Ahead

As the Horizon Foundation continues to expand its reach, its vision remains steadfast: to create a society where every senior is cherished, supported, and empowered. The foundation is committed to addressing the evolving needs of elderly individuals and ensuring that they age with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of vulnerable seniors. Let us build a future where no elderly is forgotten and every individual is supported to live their later years in comfort and peace.

Impact Stories

The true measure of the Horizon Foundation’s success lies in the lives it touches.

  • A Reunited Family: A widow longed to reconnect with her son, who had moved abroad years ago. Through Horizon’s wish fulfillment program, a reunion was arranged, bringing immeasurable joy and closure to her life.


  • A Second Chance at Life: A former tailor faced homelessness after retiring without savings. With Horizon’s help, he now has stable housing and receives regular meals and companionship

A Mission Rooted in Compassion

The mission of the Horizon Foundation is to bring joy, fulfillment, dignity, and purpose to seniors’ lives.